Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Apple Pie Oatmeal

I think autumn has arrived. Or maybe it's just the rain making everything colder, but this morning I rugged up in jeans, cardigan AND a scarf for work. Is Queensland not aware it is, in fact, Queensland?

Not only that, but I was getting quite cosy under a blanket with my knitting last night. A blanket. Unbelievable.

I normally can't do oatmeal/porridge in summer, which is a shame because I really like eating it. I guess I just don't like it when it's already hot at 7am and I'm wondering how long I can last before putting the airconditioner on.

Even if this weather is a fluke and tomorrow it will be hot and sunny, it is still a really good cold-morning excuse to revisit an old favourite. It has evolved over time from porridge, milk, white sugar DO NOT MESS WITH THIS COMBINATION EVER to the rather more delicious version it is today.

I once knew someone who had butter and brown sugar on their porridge. Needless to say, we don't talk any more.

I've been known to brown-sugar-cinnamon it from time to time, but butter? WTF is that?

Do you have butter on your porridge? Am I missing something? What DO you have?

Well, I have apple. Sometimes blueberry, but I use frozen ones and it turns everything purple. I've not taken the leap to dried fruit or compote or other quite terrifying toppings just yet, but that's ok because apple is working very, very well for me.  The day I also added a sprinkle of cloves was the day I felt like Benjamin Franklin probably did when lightning hit that key that time. Or the dude that said "eureka" when he spilled a bit of of bathwater. Archimedes? Was that him?

Anyway, 8th grade science memories aside, It added that little something that turned it from good into ohmygod.

Excellent for a day when your toes are as cold as mine.

Serves 1

Ingredients1/2 apple, peeled, cored and diced
1/4 cup water
1/4-1/2 cup rolled oats (I should use steel-cut but sometimes I get quick-cooking. sue me!)
pinch each salt, cinnamon and cloves
milk of your choice
raw sugar to taste


1. Add the apple and water in a small pot and boil 2 minutes until apple begins to soften.

2. Turn heat down and add oats, more water if needed and a little milk. Sprinkle salt, cinnamon and cloves.

3. Cook gently until thick and oatmeal is soft. Add milk to get your consistency. Sweeten to taste.


  1. I can't think of anything more comforting than oats! Love this recipe :-)

  2. Oh I know! I think they're incredibly warming and delicious :)

  3. I had oatmeal too! cooked with a few currents, topped with a dollop of natural yogurt, freshly pureed mango and sprinkled with cinnamon. YUM and very comforting and filling.

  4. yogurt? ewwwww! But if you say it's good, I should probably try it. I don't know what I'm missing!

  5. Oatmeal + full cream milk + condensed milk. Nuf' said.

  6. CONDENSED MILK! Why didn't I think of that?!!!!

  7. That's how my grandma made my oatmeal since I was a wee girl and how I always eat it. You'd NEVER be the same again.

  8. I've never been a porridge person.  My husband loves it and he eats it p-l-a-i-n.  gross! 

    However apple pie oatmeal or Irene's version with condensed milk does talk to my sweet tooth.  Sunny now but the rain this morning! 

  9. Oh the rain was miserable! My feet are still cold. And how anyone can eat it plain is beyond me. Or a little overcooked lump floating in a sea of milk. VOMIT.

  10. I have to add a big squeeze of golden syrup, love the stuff :)

  11. Breakfast tomorrow - sorted. Thanks!

    My porridge toppings vary according to my mood. Sometimes it's berries and honey, sometimes it's banana, walnuts and brown sugar, sometimes its poached pear and cinnamon.

    Never butter. Wtf.

  12. Worst. Topping. Ever. Meanwhile I love your poached pear idea. My apple is the same, just a lazy way of doing it!!

  13. Salt and brown sugar. Don't be hatin'... (um, no butter though. That's just weird!). Love this combo.

  14. I definitely don't hate, I make mine a little salty too! My dirty secret ;-)

  15. It's good with stewed fruit - apple (with cinnamon, which makes it very like your apple pie idea), plums, nectarines. Or tinned cherries. Or strawberries, cooked in the oats so they wind up all jammy. I do a 2:1 ratio of milk:oats so it winds up very creamy. I don't drink milk in any form, so I tell myself it's my calcium hit for the day ;)

  16. urg, yes I don't drink milk either - except soy milk. I originally made this with all milk, but when I switched to soy I was scared the taste would take over, so made it more water than milk. I've swung it back now to a bit more milk as I like it very creamy and not thick and gluggy at all :)


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