Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Abby Graham Crackers

Graham Crackers have always reminded me of Raggedy Ann and Andy. I remember they had them as a snack with milk, in one of my Little Golden Books. And, of course, s'mores. While s'mores never really sounded like my thing although the girls at The Babysitter's Club were making them at sleepovers all the time, Graham Crackers always did.

I really like these biscuits - they seem more like biscuits than crackers to me, but that may be because I took them out of the oven while they were still soft for Abby to be able to manage. They're kind of gingerbready, and she absolutely loves them. I give her one and within seconds it's demolished. And the recipe makes a lot and they keep really well. I'll be making them again!

I used this recipe from Parents.com... except where they say to poke A-B-C into your crackers with a skewer, I just poked Abby's name. Cute. When they came out of the oven they had spread a bit and the holes closed over so I just poked them over again. Still cute.


  1. Fussy Eater's MumMay 1, 2012 11:23 AM

    I grew up on graham crackers in American and was disappointed that you can't buy them here. I have tried a few recipes, but nothing replicates the real thing (which may actually be a  good thing if I ever read the ingredients). So I will absolutely give this recipe a try. It should be a not-too-sweet and not-too-savory sort of cracker that would be great for a child's snack.

  2. They're a little bit addictive... I think!

  3. have you tried usafoods.com.au? That's where I get my fix of American goodies! I'm probably their best customer, I am ridiculous with stuff from the US. I think I'm actually American on the inside. These are quite sweet and not cracker-like, so you'll have to tell me what you think if you make them!

  4. Oh thanks for sharing Veggie Mama! I have a number of recipes I've put to the side because they called for Graham Crackers. Can't wait to revisit them now.
