Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Occupy Veggie Mama - 28 weeks

I have put on nine kilos. I assume it has gone to directly my brain because I can't see where else it could have gone. Although my chronic forgetfulness would suggest otherwise...

I had my midwife appointment yesterday, and my glucose test. Both the midwife and the student midwife commented on how small my stomach is, then just about dropped dead when I measured 29 weeks instead of 28. I is TALL, yo! And that nine kilos? Well I was about 4-5 kilos underweight before I fell pregnant this time (breastfeeding really took it out of me) so I'm assuming I balanced out, and the rest of it went to iBaby 2.0.
I went to the movies last week with my pal and neighbour, Nikki from Styling You, and I had to slouch and squeeze just to get a bump shot to go with our tickets. I told her we should have gotten one after I solo rolled a large popcorn and frozen coke. The movie was a nice way to spend some time - sometimes funny, sometimes moving, sometimes reminding me too much of how sweaty and tough labour is! And made me annoyed that Jennifer Lopez's skin is so smooth and such a beautiful colour. And now I'm remembering what a big deal the midwives made out of my looking "pale" and "tired" and "out of sorts" yesterday and I'm even more annoyed at her perfect skin!

For the record, I'm pretty sure I was pale not only because I haven't been sleeping well and have had the flu, but also because I'd spent the whole morning scrubbing the filthy laundry to within an inch of its life. It now looks less like an A Current Affair shock segment and more like a laundry that respectable people wash their clothes in. I wondered briefly if I was nesting (I never did last time) but given my reluctance to clean, I can only come to the conclusion it was because I haven't done it since before Abby was born, and I was terrified if I didn't do it now, I probably wouldn't get around to it until 15 months after this next one. And given I'm in my third trimester (oh dear time, where do you go?) I don't want to be doing it when I'm huge and I don't want to die of ebola or something if I continued to let it slide.

Heartburn has reared its ugly head alongside the contents of my stomach at any given moment, and any time I do sleep I appear to be catching up on REM, which is both annoying and exhausting. I have the worst pregnancy dreams ever, and often wake up feeling tireder than when I went to bed! Other than that, no real issues or symptoms to speak of. The baby is moving around quite a lot and had his/her first lot of hiccups yesterday... that was a bit cute :)

Twelve weeks to go, give or take, and there's still so much I think I have plenty of time for but should probably get around to now, given my forgetfulness and time's relentless forward march. Until then, I'm most likely to just keep looking for places to nap!



  1. You are a gorgeous pregnant lady x

  2. On the bright side, no need to worry about loosing pregnancy weight, cause chances are the next baby'll suck it off you too! How good is breastfeeding. Ha!

    Hope you gets some decent sleepies soon!

  3. You look amazing! I hope I look half as good as you when I'm pregnant!

  4. You really suit pregnancy!

    Now I'm craving movie popcorn!!!!

  5. Im 30 weeks and havnt put on a single gram and my bells huge!
    This baby's sucking it out of my brain! It's so convenient at the time your
    Ment to remember appts and lists galore your brain goes on holidays!

  6. I only put on 6 kilos with my first child, thanks to a 6 kilo loss I the first trimester ...not because of morning sickness, oh no. From giving up drinking! You look wonderful. Xx

  7. Lucky duck! You do look lovely.  But I say do as much of nothing that you can now veggie Mama, stuff the cleaning! You don't want "elephantitis" of the feet like I had last year towards the end of my second pregnancy. Nap like a boss :)

  8. You look amazing always! Enjoy every minute! 

  9. I am pretty sure I am having a hysterical pregnancy to make up for your lack of bump.

    You are like, TOTALLY WELCOME.

  10. Hah yeah there was never a problem last time!

  11. You will look even better! xx

  12. Damn, I have been all day too! So salty, sooo good.

  13. haha I have to write so many reminders on my phone! Was very late to my midwife appointment yesterday - totally slipped my mind!

  14. Haha thanks girl. I put on 14 kilos and within a week I'd lost all but 2 of them - one kilo in each of my boobs.

  15. hah I've got to clean now before I get elephantitis of the stomach! I remember trying to clean the shower at 40 weeks last time... NEVER AGAIN!

  16. I took some time out this afternoon to lie around and do just that :)

  17. You are so thoughtful my darling... thank you x

  18. Who would say that you are into 28 weeks, you would let even the ramp models run for their just relax and cherish the moment, its about the most important gift  from God!!

  19. 'Tis exactly what I'm doing, thanks so much!

  20. I'm glad that I don't hve to stand next to yo! Not only am I probably about 3 feet shorter than you , at 30 weeks I would probably look like I have eaten you too! It's amazing all the different shapes & sizes of preggie ladies(& not preggie ladies I guess!) out there! Hey,s long as all is well with you & Bubs & yu're measuring right, that is l tat matters! Good luck xx

  21. And please forgive my horrendous typing that has led to horrendous spelling! I think I really really need a new laptop!

  22. you're exactly right! and your comment about looking like you'd eaten me was the funniest thing I read all day! Hope you're feeling well xx

  23. I'm so glad to hear that you and bub are doing well (aside from the usual side-effects) … I must admit I do a tiny bit of living through you as I hear of your progress through to full term  :,) I've had a few friends remain quite small through their pregnancies, all that matters is that everything is going well and that you and bub remain healthy. You're looking great Stacy. <3

  24. Aw honey thanks so much for coming and leaving a comment. I think of you often, and hope you are ok xx


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