Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Occupy Veggie Mama: 40 weeks

Still haven't cleaned my mirror.
So here we are. Week 40 and still full of baby. Hopefully won't be hanging on for another 10 days like last time... or I may go mental.

I'm tired, but not overly so. I'm hungry a lot and I'm likely to mood swing at the drop of a hat, which is completely out of character for me and really rather wearing. I'd like to have the baby just so I can stop being loopy! I think I even threw something a few weeks ago, only I can't remember what it was or what it was over. All I know is I've never thrown anything in frustration in my life!

Given I'm also the nearest thing to a jungle gym a very boisterous toddler has, it has become a daily battle to be able to sit down for five minutes without Abby crawling all over me, poking, pushing, prodding, kicking, squirming, slapping... all the fun stuff. And I really wish she could do it without extreme pain and discomfort on my end! She doesn't understand and I don't really want her to stop, I just want it to be fun for BOTH of us.

The midwife still keeps telling me I look tired despite my wearing several extra layers of bronzer for my appointments. I'm past the getting-a-complex stage and have gone straight for weary resignation. You hear something often enough, you begin to believe it! Ok, ok, I look tired.

I've also cleaned everything I wanted cleaned and done most of what I wanted to do with some work bits and pieces. Everybody's screeching "nesting!" at me, but the last time I scrubbed a skirting board at 3am is... never. I've had to force myself to do a few things every day or every couple of days because I know once the baby comes I won't get any time and I'll be staring at a mouldy fridge feeling incredibly shit about it. And I'd really rather not. I did not sweep the floor for THREE MONTHS after Abby was born (oh my god did I just admit that on the internet) and the pile of crap was so big I took a photo and sent it to my husband. With a toddler and a newborn, I don't suppose I'll sweep for a good 6-8 months, so if I'm not going to do that, then imagine what the bathroom will look like? I need a head start!

Today I have a child-free day with no marking, no work and not really much else to do. I think I might use it to sit down for a very long time with very many pots of tea and enough reading material to wallpaper a small house or caravan. It will be just my luck this kid will decide it's time to arrive.

No rest for the wicked ;-)


  1. Calm relaxing birthing vibes being sent your way. I hope you get to enjoy your tea and reading filled morning.

  2. Good lord, you look phenomenal. I can't wait to hear some very exciting news soon! Enjoy your kid-free, tea-filled day xxx

  3. Enjoy those cups of tea!

  4. 40 weeks already?! How did that happen?
    Sending lots of positive and pain-free labour vibes your way. Can't wait to hear the news. xx

  5. I hear ya! I am 37.5 weeks and I am exhausted. Unlike you though this is my first so I don't have to take care of another child in this state. I can't imagine how exhausting that would be! I'll keep you fingers crossed for you that bubs makes an appearance soon.

  6. If I looked like this at even 4 weeks pregnant I'd be one happy woman!

  7. Jess @ myheartisyourhomeSeptember 19, 2012 10:03 AM

    There is nothing better than a day of time out such as the one you've got planned... I hope for the sake of your sanity that baby doesnt decide to come until tomorrow, once your me time has been well and truly enjoyed. Sending you all the good luck and warm fuzzies I can possibly muster for your pending labour.

  8. You should email this to Roomba... just sayin' :P

  9. Enjoy your child-free day Stacey. I turned into a monster about a week before my little girl was born. everyone had to tread on egg shells around me. It disappeared as soon as she entered the world. Happy vegging :)
    Prue x

  10. Lordy, I feel like that and I'm only 25 weeks! Have a wonderful relaxing day!!!

  11. Seriously, you kill me with your sparkly eyes, glossy hair & perfect pregnant body. You look every inch the glowing pregnant woman. I'd love to look like that when pregnant but instead I am the bloated fluid carrying, pimply skin manky hair kinda pregnant woman.....
    Enjoy your day of tea & reading & fingers crossed veggie baby no.2 is here sooner rather than later xx

  12. You don't look tired. You look amazing. Stupid midwife x

  13. Hey Stacey, just wanted to pop in and say g'day. I'm a long time lurker on your blog, but I have decided that it's time to stop lurking (on your blog as well as others I follow) and start interacting. So, be prepared to hear from me lots as I love so many of your posts, but just been too chicken to comment.
    I hope you have a super fabulous relaxing day by yourself, and I am praying for a beautiful birth for you. Can't wait to see your little bundle on here and IG (by the way, I am loving-whispers on IG).

  14. I think you look great in that photo, Stacey and I hope the baby pops out this afternoon. It's a gorgeous day and perfect to welcome a new bub.

  15. I do not think you look tired at all. Just fabulous and glowy. Hoping Veggie Baby v2.0 is here soon!!

  16. You look gorgeous! I looked truly awful when I was 40+ weeks. I was a bloated haggard creature indeed. Good luck over the next few days, wishing you a smooth birth and adjustment to life with two bubs!

  17. Amy {The Misadventurous Maker}September 19, 2012 5:36 PM

    You look stunning lovely lady but I do know how you feel. Not long until that babe is in your arms!!!! Thinking of you.xoxoxoxo

  18. Squeeee! Hello 40 weeks, hurry up baby! Oh, and I think you think you look amaze x

  19. You look amazing!
    I hope you had an excellent kid free day...and did a whole lot of nothing.
    And I can't wait to hear that the newest Veggie Baby has arrived!

  20. I baked, and cleaned the floor and did some washing, but the rest of the time I slothed on the couch! awesome.

  21. I can't believe it's finally here! Hurry up!

  22. Gosh so crazy to think it actually is a real baby x

  23. haha last time it was the middle of summer and I was NOT pretty x

  24. Me too! You're so cute, thank you. Maybe she's blind?

  25. Ha it was a beautiful day! maybe tonight!

  26. Ohh that is awesome! I love it when folks de-lurk. Welcome! Can't believe you've been chicken... don't be! I don't bite chickens :) xo

  27. yeah it's really weird! Every. Single. Appointment. no matter what.

  28. I look like that normally! My hair is awful when I'm not pregnant. Thanks for always having something kind to say xo :)

  29. Ha I remember feeling like that too! Then I got better. Then I got worse ;-)

  30. Ahh surely that's what it is! Heralding the arrival. I certainly hope mine disappears too :) xo

  31. Roooooomba! Such a good idea. Read your post today, congrats on being in Cleo and being Miranda's twin and all!

  32. I made it through! Thank you so much, that is so kind and I really appreciate it xx

  33. hah I didn't even know I was pregnant then... So i probably looked hideous :)

  34. Lucky that first kid of mine is pretty easygoing! But I do miss laying on the bed all day in the last few weeks. Enjoy yours and good luck! Keep me posted xx

  35. Oh man, i do not know! and thanks for the pain-free vibes... I'm beginning to freak out just a tad xx

  36. I'm a lurker.... de-lurking as you call it. Just wanted to say you look great for 40 weeks plus a toddler. And I really enjoy reading your blog. I hope your second birth goes well and that you and your new baby are both healthy. I look forward to your future blogs.... when you find the time and energy. :-)

  37. You look stunning! If I look half as good as you when I'm pregnant I'd be happy! :)

  38. You look AMAZING! I was twice, maybe three times the size of you when I was pregnant. Hurry up Veggie baby!

  39. Oh aren't you awesome! Thank you! With all these wonderful vibes coming from my wonderful readers, this birth has no choice but to be smooth and quick, haha.

    Thanks too for de-lurking... it's the best ever :)

  40. I think it was the sixteen layers of bronzer...

  41. It's sucking all my resources! I'm nothing but skin and bone and baby bump. Oh and a bit of fat ass :) xx

  42. I am stupidly excited for this baby.
    Its embarrassing.
    You look gorgeous.
    Enjoy these last few days. xx


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