Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Veggie Mama Vlogs!

Here I am, folks... doin' something new.

I filmed this a wee while ago to explain who I am, why I started blogging and the sort of vegetarian I am. I thought it might be fun to share!

I totally get some people hate watching videos (myself included), but I like a peek into others' lives, the face behind the screen, so to speak... so if you do too, enjoy my debut. Back to regular programming tomorrow haha :)

I had to cut off a little bit at the end... I don't normally stop before I finish my


  1. Thank you! Sometimes it's fun to see a blogger in action :)

  2. You are so hot. Bring on Carnie weekend x

  3. Nicely done - lovely to hear the voice that goes with all those delicious veggie thoughts!


  4. You're too pretty to vlog. You make the rest of us look bad! x

  5. "Normal people like to eat things that aren't made out of soy beans" :-D

    I love listening to people explain why their blog is the way it is. :-)

  6. You look like a movie star. In a few years time I will be able to say "I knew her when she gave me a Woogen Wagon gift box" You are one of the special ones xxxx

  7. Danielle MelnyczenkoNovember 23, 2011 10:34 PM

    You're a natural... MORE PLEASE :)

  8. You're a bit too gorgeous but a GREAT advertisement for vegetarianism for you just GLOW.

    I'm with you on the vlogs - I'm no fan. But it was lovely to see you and yours was a good one! It's also nice to have something to comment on. There are only so many times I can say 'great recipe!!!' I love your blog... and your gorgeous style. x

  9. You're just like the girl from that amazing video back in 1996! Exactly the same!!! Miss you x

  10. Thank you so much for vlogging, now I can put a voice and facial expressions to the words. You are more beautiful than I imagined. xo

  11. I want more! You are beautiful. Please know that x

  12. Vlogs are usually hit or miss.. Don't worry, yours was a hit! 
    Thanks for posting!  As others have said, it's nice to put a voice and personality to the typed words we see.  Would love to see more.  :)

  13. Nambour won't know what hit it! 

  14. No way, I'm not telepathic in the slightest :)

  15. I sound like a five-year-old! I heart you xo

  16. Now you know why I've been putting it off for so long... hehe

  17. haha honesty is always the best policy!

  18. Mebbe...I've got a couple of ideas :)

  19. Haha I know! I try to mix it up a little, then everyone's all like "bloggers must stay true to their niche!" and I wonder if I'm annoying everyone. "Hey, I came here for your recipes, not your existential musings"... but I like doing something a little different every now and then. I wasn't interested in vlogs, but it seems they're tolerated if done well - so thank you for your feedback! I sorta kinda liked doing it :)

  20. You are biased and I love you. I would also believe anything you say! x

  21. Oh that's so true! I also can't watch if they're too long... and this one is too long. Thanks so much for the support - I'm sure there's something else I can come up with :)

  22. Can I be your agent? Does Veggie Dad know how lucky he is?

    Love this, love you, thumbs up to any vlog you ever do. XXOO

  23. haha I'm pretty sure that's why he asked me to marry him so soon! And treats me like a golden princess every single day :)

    You can totally be my agent. We can take over the world! <3 <3

  24. OMG. i didnt realise the Veggie Mama was so darn gorgeous! lovely.

  25. Just when I thought I couldn't love you anymore! Great vlog. Love it. xx

  26. It's nice to see and hear the face behind the words.

    I love your attitude to vegetarian food. ... although I do love a good chick pea curry ;-)

  27. Great video! I admit I don't always watch vlogs, but I love your outlook. I'm a vegetarian who hates lentils etc as well, so your site is super helpful!

  28. woot! Hiya hun You rock  what a wonderful vlog go you!!!
    I did 1 vlog and i'm thinking i may do another for xmas lol...

  29. Great Vlog Veggie Mama. Kudos to you for doing it!! loved it lots!

  30. Vlogs can be fun. Case in point: see above. ^_^  It's nice to hear another 

  31. I guess that's my problem - I've never had a good one!

  32. I'm so pleased to hear that! I find videos of any type tough going... I'm not a visual person, I prefer words :)

  33. Do it! Wear a santa hat and everything!

  34. I'm pleased to hear that! It's a little out of my comfort zone, so I'm glad it turned out ok :)

  35. haha hello! I bemoan my Australian accent, I'd rather speak like the Queen... but sometimes it's cool :)

  36. I love tofu and lentil bakes and beans and chickpea curry but I love everything you write about xox Love the vlog. You are made for vlogging.

  37. I love beans now... and some lentils are awesome. I've never had a chickpea curry I died of excitement over, but I've certainly eaten tofu I wanted to hug - my problem is it's pretty rare, and they've got such bad PR! I can't sway the carnivores with them :)

    You are too cute. Can't wait for Thursday xx

  38. Don't worry, you're don't have the rool 'Strayan accent that sounds like a chainsaw, but rather a softer, pleasant Australian accent. ^_~

    I have accent shame too! If I could have any other accent I would. People can decide they want a new hair color so they just go and dye it. Why can't I just start speaking with an English accent tomorrow? Oy.

  39. What ho, old chap, I don't see why we can't! Golly gosh I watch enough Stephen Fry to absorb it naturally, I'll use that as my excuse. Pip pip!


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