Friday, January 20, 2012

ErgoCocoon Air for the tiny in your life!

Ok, seriously - how hot is it right now? I'm sitting here all sloth-like, refusing to dress the baby, eating cold grapes and moaning periodically. Ridiculous.

Anyway, a little while ago I was sent an ErgoPouch ErgoCocoon AIR swaddle to try out on the Veggie Baby and one to give away to a reader. I was terribly excited, I loved the summery-light bamboo feel and the snugness of this swaddle and was dying to squeeze my tiny caterpillar into it.

The only problem was, I'd given birth to a heifer, and she just did not fit into this 2-6month (5-9 kilos) size. Not so tiny after all! The lovely crew taking care of their PR (Hi Kate!) offered a different item in return, so unfortunately I haven't been able to review this product for you. However, a blogging buddy of mine, Sara, has and you can find it here. She even did a video, clever girl!

So if you're sad about wrapping your baby in the usual muslin in this sweltering heat, and you'd prefer something lighter but with the same amount of snuggability, then enter the competition below. You can enter even if you know someone who is going to pop any day now and want to give the best present ever - solid sleep! Wrapping was the best thing I ever did.

I like ErgoPouch because it's an Australian company. They have organic sleepwear for babies and toddlers made from eco-friendly, breathable materials like bamboo, alpaca and organic cotton.

They're all hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial, anti-static and suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin - it's excellent for eczema, I'm told, as it prevents babies from scratching. Yay!

This particular product, the ErgoCocoon AIR is the world's thinnest baby swaddle. It's seamless, zip-and velcro-free and made of stretch bamboo fabric.

It is valued at $24.95, and if you'd like to win one, you only need to do two things:

1. Like me on Facebook, if you don't already. (I know, I'm so needy!).
2. Leave a comment on this post about what lullaby you sing to your tinies. I make mine up as I go along so they're always different... but I like to see what other people do!

Entry is open to anyone - yes even if you live overseas! Surely there's someone who's baby is due in July in the Northern Hemisphere, haha. Entries close Wednesday January 25 at 8am. I will choose the entry I like the best. If you have a problem, let me know. I wasn't paid for this giveaway, but I did get a winter sleeping bag for the heifer. It didn't influence me in any way - I can't be bought!

Oh and I don't call my kid a heifer to her face. Well, not often. And not it a mean way. 


  1. Ahhh I love a swaddled baby! Sadly mine is about to be de-swaddled (sob sob) but this does look like a great prize. 

  2. HayleylmacdougallJanuary 21, 2012 11:06 AM

    I just read about your Blog in Peppermint magazine, and thought I would have a look because I love to bake too and my best friend is about to give birth (without a partner) so my girlfriend and I have been helping her out loads. We have been singing silly made up songs to her tummy, and making little video's for her (it's a GIRL!) to watch when she's older. I would love for her to win a snuggle cocoon! -From Hayley and Ruth

  3. I'm kinda new to this mothering gig- almost 8 weeks in and I think we're doing alright. I never realised just how hot and sweaty babies were before now! With his full head of hair (which I adore!) he's like a hairy little heat pack! This swaddle looks fantastic to me!

    Anyway, lullabies! We like to sing in this house, so he'll get anything sung to him and we'll make things up all the time. My favourite though, which I've been singing to him since birth is Shiloh by Neil Diamond. His name is Miles, but gets called Milo sometimes. So I change Shiloh to Milo and ta da! A personalised classic! (although, that song is actually about a sad childhood and having an invisible friend...oops!

  4. I'm about to pop out baby #2 any day now and would love love love to win the swaddle! I have a terrible {only sounds good to me in the car with the music up relatively loud} singing voice, so I tend to not torture my 3yo with singing lullabies. Instead I read him the "I love my mummy" book and have Rock a bye baby lullabies on in the background, his fav is renditions on Radiohead!

  5. what an amazing giveaway.. we make songs up as we go but the one that my lo seems to enjoy the most is one that goes... 
    maddie moo my bugga boo 
    maddie baby sweet maddie moo
    maddie moo my bugga boo
    oh madeline grace i love you!

    would love to win!

  6. I love this!  After seeing Elizabeth and Chris's success with getting my grandkids to sleep all night by wrapping them up like burritos, I am SOLD on the swaddling believer!  And I sing a little of everything to my kids and grand babies..."You are my Sunshine" and "I love you a bushel and a peck" are some of the top faves though. and Lydia call each other heifers all the time ;)  Maybe you and Veggie Baby will have some sort of similar wacked out momma-daughter humor like us ;)

  7. I liked you on FB(Dee Twofakind) and this would be perfect for baby #3 who is due next month!  I sing you are my sunshine!!
    [email protected]

  8. Miss Polly had a Dolly is Miss 3's favourite song at the moment (If you don't count The Big Bang Theory Theme), so that gets trotted out regularly for Miss 5 months.  In our version the doctor is alternately a "she" or a "he" erring on the side of "she".  I think my girls need to know that it is not unusual that a doctor can be a she (our GP is male).

    Other than that, Twinkle Twinkle and the ABC song get sung often, and with Miss 3 Five Little Ducks was our "go to" song.

  9. I sing one that I made up to the tune of Brahm's Lullaby. My little man loves it, it calms him instantly. If the competition isn't over and I win then I'll be gifting it to one of my 3 pregnant friends right now (all due in Feb or March). Deciding who is going to be the hard part!


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