Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So I'm going to a blog conference... #DPCON12


blah blah, blog, blah blah.
You'll be doing more of this than you realise!

"Conference" sounds important, doesn't it? It sounds like you're knowledgeable and you are going to the conference to further that knowledge and network and drink cold coffee from those boring little conference cups. Because you're important.

Then people ask you what it's for and you're all like... "um, a blogging conference". And they're all like "oh. What's a blog?"

And you want to explain the fabulous world you've fallen into like Alice down the rabbit hole and you can't because it's so big and it's so much a part of you now that when you say you write stuff on the internet it sounds weird. And it doesn't encompass the incredible connections and opportunities and fun and challenge that the blogging world includes.

Lucky for me, most of my friends have blogs, or sites for their photography, or sites for their music and it isn't weird at all. But for those who don't, I'm at a loss to answer the inevitable "how's the blog going?". Well, it's going really well, thank you, but I get so much more out of it than I can actually describe. And I'm not sure you really get it and I will end up sounding like a freak and now I don't want you to read my blog because that would be awkward and I didn't think you paid attention and I'm fairly certain I don't want you knowing quite that much about me.

Now a conference, on the other hand, is full of people that get it. And it's normal. In fact, it's desirable to have a blog. And care about your blog and work on your blog and take photos for your blog and talk about other blogs you love. I'm incredibly fortunate that I have a husband that understands and encourages, but for all the ladies out there whose husbands think you buy shoes and lurk Facebook with your online time, this is a chance to fully blossom into the blogger you truly are, in a nurturing environment!

I find conferences and public things really quite intimidating, I'm not terribly good at being social and I suck so hard at small talk. But I've never found conferences or blog meetups to be terrifying at all, once you get there. It seems everyone is a little nervous and lost in a sea of strangers (who probably aren't actually strangers but you don't know them immediately on sight... until you see their blog title!) and we could all do with a friendly face and a "hi". That's usually all you need to get going!

I know people talk about cliques and in-crowds and whatnot, but to be honest, I can't keep up with what everyone's doing, and people tend to congregate in little groups and plans are made. I'm often not there when they are. I don't see it as clique-y (it sounds nasty and schoolyardy, two things I loathe!), but sometimes you're catching up with people you've forged friendships with and don't see very often, so it's natural to get together. The number-one mistake anyone attending these conferences can make is to take it personally. It's never anything you've said or done or not said or done, and it's not that you're not "big enough"... I find it's a very equal playing field at these things, and nobody wants anybody to feel insecure or left out. There's just so many of us now! And if you are getting together with a select few you're dying to see - don't feel guilty. Soak it up, enjoy the moment and maybe next time that select few will have grown.

The best part about going to a blogging conference is learning new things about something you love, meeting people if that's your goal, watching everyone eat, sleep and breathe blogging, and experiencing something out of your everyday. And if you're a mum, this is something that is just for you.

I'm off to pack my bags ready for my flight tomorrow. It's gonna be one hell of a weekend and I'm going to make sure I damn well enjoy it, no matter what!


  1. Hopefully our paths shall cross. Looking forward to hopefully meeting you :)

  2. I don't take cliques personally, but it doesn't mean that I don't see that they are there. 

    For me, when I talk about cliques I'm not talking about people organising events in smaller groups but people who choose not to step outside the group that they have chosen to socialise with others. I don't think that those people are mean or rude or anything else but the generous people that they are, but it is insular. And that's why it looks like a clique, even if they don't mean it to be.

    But ignoring all of that and making sure you have a great time is fantastic advice. 

  3. Have an Awesome time lovely, I'm ever so envious but in a totally good way, not the I am gonna sit here and hate you all why you have a great time and I am stuck at home with Drs appointments and ironing boards. Geez Sonia .... get a grip! Seriously though have a fabulous time, safe travels and I hope that I will eventually get to cacth up with you in real life one day soon. xxx

  4. i have left everything to the last minute so have to get organized and pack today as i have the 7am flight out of brisbane (ugh 5:45 wake up) - hope to meet you there!!

  5. I cannot wait. It's gonna be

  6. Amen! Can't wait to see everyone x

  7. Oh my goodness- your comment about how you feel when someone who doesn't blog asks you about your blog made me laugh and nod my head A LOT!! So true. Will be lovely to meet you on Fri! x

  8. I always cringe a little when they do! I can't adequately sum up everything in a sentence. But I'll be grateful to be among the natives on Friday... see you there!

  9. 7am! Are you insane?!! Yes I randomly thought of some things as I was putting the washing away yesterday, but I won't be packing until tonight. which means I'll leave something out, I bet! See you if I see you!

  10. Haha last time I was sitting at home with braxton hicks and too much vaccuuming to do! I will have to do a twitter blackout with BlogHer this year... sad. And I'm sure I will see you sometime!

  11. Never assume - it's served me well and shielded my otherwise terribly sensitive feelings ;-)

  12. I'll be the loud one with the big hair.. .well I usually am, anyway xx

  13. it is exactly like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.. I dont think any of my friends really "get" what I do..can not wait to meet you for realz!

  14. your hair is so purdy... can I have a lock of it?


  15. I love this Stacey, and you're right. People make plans, you're not the only blogger they have formed a friendship with. You can't just wait for people to make plans with you, go out and make a few yourself! Ask people what they're doing and if they would like to catch up, it may be the way you get invited out to these kinds of things!

  16. Hi VM...that was so good to read! Having met so many bloggers now ( including you of course!!) this conference is like one huge gab fest.. And sometimes it's just what it is. Some shyness, some uproar, hugs, and more. Now that I've packed (phew) and I only have me to organize, I'm hanging out till 2pm tomorrow when I hit the Sebel. Hope your trip is a good one.....looking forward to seeing you (and bub to be too!) Denyse xx

  17. Can you believe it's actually happening?! I forget what it must be like for people who blog quietly. Everyone I know knows I have a blog, but to have to explain it to others is SO hard!

  18. It don't look like that no mo'.

  19. You know, that's exactly the conclusion I came to after Blogopolis. I was left out of e-ver-ee-thing that was planned, and I consider it my own fault - I hadn't gotten to know enough people online beforehand, I hardly spoke to anyone on the day, and whenever plans were made, I was probably in the corner on my phone freaking out. It's such a good idea to make your OWN plans and offer them to others, rather than waiting around hoping to be noticed. These things totally get easier over time, too, and it's natural to want to return to the people you loved hanging out with last year. Every year your circle grows :)

  20. Oh my goodness, I did nothing but gab! Lovely to see you again.

  21. It's going well, thank you and the so much more bit. YES. That. 

    I'm a little late reading this, so I'm glad you've been and gone and had a fab time. 


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